What Kind of World?

Knowing that our life is actually lived in the flow of the present, where every thought, choice and action occurs, we can see that we create the future by how we live in the present.

As we live in the flow of the present through these days, as turbulent as it sometimes is, if we hold our answer to the question, “What kind of world do you want to live in and leave for future generations?” as an intention, it will guide us to choices that will move our life, and the world, in that direction.

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Galen TrombleComment
What is the Real Climate Crisis?

What is the climate crisis, really? The crisis, I think, isn’t that greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are higher than at any time in previous human history and continuing to climb. The crisis isn’t fires in Australia, or California, or the Amazon, and it isn’t coastal flooding and the potential for sea levels to rise by several feet in the coming decades. These events are feedback to us from the Earth, telling us that change is needed. 

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Galen Tromble Comment
Climate Change Integrity Through Yoga

A majority of people in the U.S. say they understand that global warming is occurring and causing climate change, that humans are the primary cause, and that it is causing serious detrimental impacts that will, if unaddressed, get even worse in the future. Yet so far, few people are living as if they truly believe these things. There is a lack of integrity between the understanding about climate change and the daily living of life.

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Galen TrombleComment
Balance - for Ourselves and the Earth

Yoga is a practice of finding and maintaining balance. In many ways, the world is out of balance. I think that we all sense that at some level. We may not be able to explain what is wrong, but we know something is. That's why we are anxious about the future, overwhelmed, stressed out. We may not know exactly how, but we sense that humans are the cause of the imbalance.

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Natural Climate Solutions

When spring comes to the northern hemisphere, which holds the majority of Earth's temperate forests and grasslands, the landscape greens and plants begin to photosynthesize. Every year, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere goes down between May and September, even with all the emissions coming from fossil fuels.

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Galen Tromble
Earth Care Choices

If we want to care for the Earth, to live in ways that support the flourishing of life and reverse the current trend of diminishing life on the planet, what do we do? How do we live the Earth Care ethic? I believe this is a serious and important matter and I also believe that we need to have a light touch with ourselves - not beating ourselves up over things we can't control - but doing the best that we can each day, and with each decision.

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Galen Tromble
Caring for Earth

One of my earliest memories was seeing Monarch butterflies, their bright colors in the summer sun, seeming so fragile, fluttering through the yard eluding my toddler attempts to catch them. In recent decades, the Monarch population has declined steeply, and the species is vulnerable, all the more so because of climate change. … How do we change our lives, individually and societally, so that our lives increase, rather than decrease, the flourishing of life on earth, including human life? 

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Galen Tromble
The Living Earth - Our Home

Earth. "A grand oasis in the vastness of space," astronaut Jim Lovell called it. … We're alive at a time of great transition. Until recently, humans could exploit, extract, and develop at will and Earth's great resilience seemed to absorb the impact. … We can't take Earth's ability to support life for granted anymore. Earth needs us to change. Earth needs us to care. 

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Galen Tromble